Homeopathic Treatment for Sensory Integration Disorder with Dr. Dan Pompa

Sensory integration disorder or SID occurs when sensory signals from the nervous system are not properly processed by the brain which prevents the individual from responding appropriately. It is comparable to having a regular traffic jam of sensory information which prevents a patient from completing many simple tasks. This leads to general clumsiness, high anxiety and even depression when the patient experiences the limitations posed by his condition.

There are many offered therapeutic intervention for SID, but unfortunately, very few have lasting effects and most are drug dependent options which have a lot of negative side effects. Dr Dan Pompa is a notable option for teenagers and children suffering from SID, he offers a host of alternative therapies which have been observed to be effective in managing the symptoms of the disorder.

Occupational therapy is one aspect of the treatment. This therapy exposes the child to an environment with particular types of stimuli. The child, with the guidance of the therapist is guided along this series of tasks until he is able to successfully complete them. The goal is to be able to provide timely and appropriate responses when faced with types of stimuli. This exercise boosts their confidence and allows them to develop skills that would help them transcend the effects of the disorder.

Homeopathic therapies are also available and various options may be used depending on the condition of the child. For instance, Belladonna is used to increase nervous system response and is given for individuals who have decreased sensitivity to light or heat stimuli. Another plant used as an alternative treatment for SID is Stramonium. It is ideal for individuals who are extremely sensitive to sound, physical contact and light.

Although the medications are natural and organic, treatment should still be under the supervision of competent healthcare professionals and homeopathic experts. Dr Pompa is known for his naturopathic remedies and he is certainly one of the best resources to use if your child has sensory integration disorder. Despite the unfortunate condition, children can still move on to have normal healthy lives as long as they successfully complete the right treatment plan.